The Disciplinary Commission deals with delicts committed by students enrolled at the faculty, or proposes solutions to these delicts, which the Commission submits to the Dean of the Faculty.

The Disciplinary Commission is a body of the Faculty appointed according to the Higher Education Act. Its members are selected members of the academic community of the faculty authorised by the Dean of the faculty. Half of the Disciplinary Commission is made up of students. Their appointment and removal is subject to the positive opinion of the Academic Senate of the Faculty. By law, the term of office of the Disciplinary Commission is two years. The main activity of the Disciplinary Commission is to deal with delicts committed by students enrolled at the Faculty, or to propose solutions to such delicts, which the Commission submits to the Dean of the Faculty.

Members of the Disciplinary Commission

RNDr. Jan Caha, Ph.D.

Ing. Mgr. Jiří Čeněk, Ph.D.

Mgr. Eva Taterová, MA, Ph.D.

Bc. Tadeáš Hrušovský

Bc. Jiří Močidlan

Marek Ondrášek